Issue Installing Dolibarr on Shared Hosting


I recently tried installing Dolibarr on a shared hosting environment using the latest stable version, but after completing the setup, I’m getting a blank page when trying to access the application. :upside_down_face:

The installation process itself went smoothly with no errors, but when I try to log in, the page doesn’t load properly. I’ve checked the PHP version (which is 8.0, as required), and all necessary modules seem to be enabled. :innocent:

I’ve also reviewed the Dolibarr log files, but there’s no clear indication of what’s causing the issue. I suspect it might be a file permission problem or a missing dependency, but I’m not sure how to proceed. I’ve already tried re-uploading the files and even reinstalling the application, but the problem persists. :thinking: I have checked guide for reference.

Has anyone encountered this issue when installing Dolibarr on shared hosting? Are there specific settings I should check or adjustments I need to make for shared hosting environments? :slightly_smiling_face: Any guidance would be greatly appreciated! :slightly_smiling_face:

Thank you !

Hello gasit,

you are writing in english language in the german language forum. So you should probably either change the language or the forum.

I’m almost sure that this is a PHP error. Do you have access to the error log of the webserver (probably nginx or apache) or to the log of the php-fpm-server? There you should see the specific error message that tells you what could be wrong.